Summer is here, scrunchies are back in fashion, and your drink is sweating. Quick! What do you do? We recommend going the functional fashion route and bundling a new koozie with a
matching scrunchie, or ordering a scrunchie to go with an Uncommon Covers koozie you already own! Whether the scrunchie trend is new to you or you are thrilled to see its third regeneration, donning an Uncommon Covers scrunchie while sipping an Uncommon Covers sheathed beverage takes awesomeness to the next level.

Aside from being a fabulously fun way to accessorize your hair, scrunchies can be used for a myriad of things! Wear one on each ankle and change the look of a pair of heels. Decorate your pet. Send to a loved one and think about them each time the coordinating koozie is used. Adorn a doorknob as festive décor. Claim a drink in the frig. Snap against your wrist to break a bad habit. Wear around your ears as an alternative to earrings. Hang on the rear view mirror to identify your car in a sea of similar-looking SUVs. Use as a napkin ring. Censor your
Bad Words koozie when mixed company is around. Match with a friend then use as a reference point when exercising your
constitutional right to free speech and freedom of assembly. The possibilities are endless!

Jazzed to engage with the scrunchie crowd? Order yours today via three different ways! One: under a specific koozie, select on the drop down list. Two: choose as a product category. Three: contact Jenny to have a special customized scrunchie made. It’s that easy! Concerned about summer fun and sun making your scrunchie crusty? Throw it in the washing machine! Just like the majority of Uncommon Cover koozies, these scrunchies are
machine washable. Happening, versatile, and coordinated! Who’s got it together? You do! Now, the let world know without saying a word. Viva la scrunchie!